Incorporating the God's Spirit into our daily walk is crucial for navigating faith in a postmodern world. Living a Spirit-led life involves being open to the guidance, comfort, and empowerment of the Holy Spirit. It's a walk of faith. Here are some practical steps to integrate this into your faith journey:
Seek the Holy Spirit’s Guidance
Regularly invite the Holy Spirit to guide your decisions and actions. This can be done through prayer, worship, and moments of stillness. Breathe itself can be a prayer. As you wake, ask for wisdom and discernment throughout your day and be attentive to the ways the Holy Spirit may be leading you.
Enter into Whole New Dimenson - Beyond the Material
The X-factor for any person today is entered into the unseen dimeson of the spiritual world. Jesus opened the door for humanity to participate in the divine life through God's Spirit. This unlocks a realm that can be unsettling but is absolutely connected to the realm we see with our eyes.
Cultivate your talents, gifts, and invite the Spirit to integrate them in all dimensons.
Embrace and cultivate the spiritual gifts given by the Holy Spirit. Whether it’s visionary insight, physical, emotional, or spiritual healing , transformational teaching, or administration, these gifts are meant to build up other people including your family, friends, neighbors, the immigrant, and even those we don't know. The church is people. And gifts serve others. Engage in practices that help you discover and develop your gifts, and use them to bless your community.
Experience the Presence of God
Create space in your life for experiencing the presence of God. This can be through extended times of worship, soaking prayer, or simply being still before the Lord. Breathing prayer, compline prayers, lectico divina, and other prayer practices are about attuning into God. The presence of the Holy Spirit brings peace, joy, and a deeper sense of God’s love.
Walk in Obedience
I argue regularly that the Christian life today is too tame for many. Love requires risk, and this risk constitutes our responsibility to care for our relationship with God and with our neighbors. Our potential for God's goodness is also proportionate to our potential for evil. Living a Spirit-led life means being obedient to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. When you sense a nudge to reach out to someone, offer a word of encouragement, or step out in faith, respond with obedience we enter into a new level of spiritual life. This builds your trust in God and aligns your life with His purposes.
At Nexus Church we like to say that "Obedience is the key that opens the door of opportunity." Greater impact is had by people that are willing to risk in love of our God and our neighbor. This is what drives me and our team at Nexus. A radical, sold out life to Jesus.